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7 Top Skills For Digital Entrepreneurs & How You Can Build Them

Written by Ryan Terrey
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Digital entrepreneurship has evened the playing field in so many ways. With digital technology, innovators of all backgrounds can now easily build their enterprises. However, the rise of digital technology and eCommerce also demands business owners to hone their technical skills. 

So, what skill sets should digital entrepreneurs be sharpening? Stick with us as we outline the top 7 technological skills for all digital entrepreneurs today.

1. Cybersecurity

As cyber threats evolve, so do cybersecurity tools and measures. Today, investing in robust cybersecurity processes is crucial for all digital entrepreneurs. Even something as simple as investing in a firewall and VPN for your business network and devices can safeguard your business data. 

If you’re currently wondering ‘what is a firewall’ or ‘what does a VPN do’, then it’s time to build your cybersecurity knowledge and invest in your company’s cyber protocols. Understanding cybersecurity measures like VPNs and multi-factor authentication can help protect your digital enterprise from hackers and scams online.

2. Web development

Digital entrepreneurs should also take measures to boost the legitimacy of their enterprises online. This means learning how to develop a professional website that supports your brand. 

Yes, web development is an expansive digital discipline that takes years, if not decades, to master. However, digital entrepreneurs today can still benefit from understanding the basics of web design and doing small tasks themselves. Learn how to build a website and optimise it yourself, so that you can present your business as an authority in its market. Doing so can help bridge the gap between breaking even and enjoying great success.

3. Digital Marketing

Learning how to market yourself on digital platforms is vital for lead generation. Whether you’re developing an eCommerce enterprise or a service business, investing in lead generation will grow your business. Remember, there’s more to digital marketing than developing ad campaigns and making social media posts.

If your marketing strategy is not strong, you’re ultimately shouting into a void. The internet is a global network, so it’s not enough to share a promotional message. You also need to ensure that your message is projected to the right audience.

Understanding the differences between B2C and B2B marketing strategies is a great place to start. From there, tailoring your message and marketing materials to your sales funnel will help your business maximise its leads.

4. Digital Analytics

The best way to tailor your digital marketing campaigns is to interpret your performance metrics and other data. Learn how to conduct competitor analyses and present your performance metrics. Honing these analytics skills will help you become a strong player in your industry's digital landscape.

Digital entrepreneurs can streamline their analytics needs by using digital analytics software. Now you can find tools for automating digital marketing campaign management. These tools span from: 

  • advertising campaign trackers,
  • email marketing schedule makers, 
  • social media tools, and many more. 

Knowing how to leverage these tools to harvest the needed data can help you develop your business in the right direction.

5. Automation

The key to business growth is knowing what to outsource. Delegation allows you to free up your valuable time for more demanding tasks. This is also why business software, such as analytics tools, has become such an essential aspect of managing a business today.

The best digital entrepreneurs are those who can outsource to technology rather than to human resources. It’s all about keeping your overhead costs low while still boosting your productivity.

With AI-powered automation technologies digital entrepreneurs can outsource more daily operational processes without amending their operating budgets. In other words, automation is a game changer for digital businesses who want to stay agile. The best thing that any digital entrepreneur can do today is to master the automation tools available to them. And to tell their department heads to do the same with their teams.

6. Digital Communication

Effective communication using digital technology is vital for all managers today. This isn’t just the case for entrepreneurs managing employees under a hybrid work model, either. Any digital entrepreneur looking to harness the power of outsourcing should learn how to communicate online.

Developing your digital communication skills may involve building skills in the following areas:

  • Writing formal emails. 
  • Using digital telecommunications software.
  • Using collaborative or project management software.
  • Developing detailed briefs for tasks/assignments.
  • Providing detailed and actionable feedback via emails/IMs.

If you master these communication skills, you can expect to delegate more effectively as a digital entrepreneur.

7. Digital Design

Another often overlooked skill set is the ability to design using digital technologies and interfaces. No matter what kind of digital enterprise you want to develop, honing your digital design skills can help you take ownership of your brand. Even if you’re looking to outsource design work, understanding the basics of digital design can help you to:

  1. Create more detailed mockups that yield better results from outsourced designers.
  2. Maintain realistic expectations for outsourced digital design work.

Digital design skills are also vital for entrepreneurs who want to self-manage their web design. Knowing how to use tools like the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite can help you create brand imagery that aligns with your business goals.

Start building your digital skills

Arming yourself with these seven digital skills can position you to enjoy lasting success as a digital entrepreneur. Remember to divide time in your schedule for upskilling, too! After all, digital technologies do evolve at a rapid rate. You don’t want to risk falling behind the curve by being complacent.

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