Get Covered On The World's Biggest News Sites
Guaranteed PR or your money back.
We're not like traditional PR agencies. With our solutions, we’ll get any news story or press release published on over 50 global news sites including Apple News, Marketwatch & global news sites owned by Fox, NBC, CBS & More.

Instant PR On Over 50 News Sites
We've got you covered. Our packages guarantee that you'll be published on over 50 global news sites owned by Fox, CBS and NBC.
This is a great way to improve your brand visibility, build trust and social proof with your customers, and generate good quality links to your website. Many of these sites have 5 million visitors per month or more.

PR For Your Business. Guaranteed.
If we fail to deliver coverage or publication of your news story or press release across our network of Global News Sites, we’ll refund you with no questions asked.
$1,200 ($1,200 per article)
1 Article
Get started with 1 article
Published to Apple News, Marketwatch, Digital Journal, and global news sites owned by CBS, Fox, NBC and more
Guaranteed to over 50+ sites
Links in all published articles
$2,300 ($766 per article)
3 Articles
We write 3 articles & publish them too.
Published to Apple News, Marketwatch, Digital Journal, and global news sites owned by CBS, Fox, NBC and more
Guaranteed to over 50+ sites
Links in all published articles
Article professionally written
$3,700 ($740 per article)
5 Articles
We write & publish 5 articles.
Published to Apple News, Marketwatch, Digital Journal, and global news sites owned by CBS, Fox, NBC and more
5 Articles written by our team of professional writers
Guaranteed to over 50+ sites
Links in all published articles.
What our customers say

We saw an immediate improvement to conversions as soon as we implemented the 'As Seen In' banner to our site!
How it works
Get featured on FOX, Apple News, NBC, CBS, and more in just 3 easy steps.
- 1Our team of specialist writers can produce the article, OR you can create it yourself. The article will talk about your business, what makes it unique, and your unique selling proposition.
- 2Our magic trick gets you published on 50+ news channels. We'll distribute your article to a huge network of news websites & tv stations including affiliates of NBC, CBS and more.
- 3That's it! Now you can write "Featured On NBC, FOX, CBS". Once published, we will email you a PDF that includes all the links where you’ve been published. You can add these links to your website or blog.
Not sure which package is right for you?
Leave your details here, and a consultant will reach out to work with you on the best package for your business.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I include in my article?
The short answer is; not much! We only require a few things: the proposed article topic, your website URL, and 1-2 quotes about your business. Our skilled team of writers will take it from there. We send you a copy of the draft article for approval prior to publishing.
Can I publish the article myself?
Sure, but we have to be honest here. It's very hard. You might get it to a news agency or outlet but the reality is you most likely you won’t get published. Why? This is because news outlets usually only work with businesses who can provide a huge number of articles every month. It will take you months to build that relationship and credit with them before even getting published. Or we can help you publish and test it within 4 days.
What topics should I write about?
Our clients usually pick an attention grabbing topic about their business. If you’re not sure, you can always reach out to us for help. We have a great team that have experience in getting more eyeballs onto articles.
What are the article guidelines?
– The headline can’t contain personal pronouns (I, Me, My, We, Us, Our, You, Your, Them, Their, etc.).
– The headline can’t contain an exclamation point.- The headline should be a minimum 6-8 words (excluding prepositions and articles)
– The headline can’t contain quotes.
– The headline should not sound like the headline of an advert. Discounts/pricing details and product specifications can be added in the Sub headline or article’s body.
2) The article can’t be written in the first or second person voice. First person (I, Me, My, We, Us, Our, etc.) and second person (You, Your, etc.) voices are not considered newsworthy, except in quotations.