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Exclusively for 6 & 7-figure business owners

You're one step closer to unlocking your business' next stage of growth. Schedule your obligation-free Discovery Call below.

Discover how you can profitably scale your business all the way to 8-figures. This call is for you if:

  • You're an established CEO, founder, business owner or partner
  • Your business is doing over $200k in annualised revenue
  • Your business is too reliant on you. You don't have the team in place to give you the freedom to the things you'd like to.
  • You don't have enough leverage in how you're currently operating. It's time for you to create a business that can scale with less of your personal exertion.
  • Your business is growing but you are the main revenue generator, and this is impacting how you can drive profitable growth at scale.



How we help other 6 & 7-figure founders scale sustainably and profitably to 8-figures, while doing less.



Once you have booked in your 30-minute Discovery Call with us at a time and date that suits you, we will send you a confirmation of your booking via email and start preparing for the call.



Come to your call prepared to make the most out of it. Our team will want to discuss how your business is going now, as well as 2-3 challenges you are currently facing, to get a sense of your major growth opportunities.



At the end of your call, our team will provide you with a roadmap that outlines your best next steps for how you can grow your business in a way that is scalable and sustainable.

Debuted on the AFR Young Rich List with a net worth of $32 million

Jane Lu, Founder of Showpo

When Jane first joined The Entourage, she had a huge passion for fashion, but was stuck with three physical retail shops that were eating her growth.

With her expert guidance, she quickly pivoted her focus to an online strategy, which rapidly boosted monthly sales to over $250K. She’s since turned Showpo into an iconic brand and debuted on the Financial Review Young Rich List with a $32M net worth.


From $1 million to $16 million in 3 years

Sunil Kumar, Reliance Real Estate

The first few years of business for Sunil were so incredibly difficult that he couldn’t even pay the bills, and he considered going back to a safe and steady job. 

With The Entourage’s help, his business became the fastest-growing real estate agency in Australia. His annual revenue grew from $1 million to $16 million in just 3 years, he grew his team from 15 to 100 people, and has nurtured his culture and created systems to better adapt to the ever-changing real estate market.

Profitably increased his revenue by $1 million In 12 months

John Dyer, Air Adventure Australia

Before John joined The Entourage, his business was ticking along ok. It was growing - but slowly. They had no strategy, and were blissfully unaware of the deficiencies within their business. 

Fast-forward 12 months, and John increased his revenue by $1 million. He also doubled his team, and set his Vision, Mission and Values so he could better align the team to the business’ goals. He now has the tools, structure and confidence to take control of his business and elevate it further.

John Dyer-1-thumb

Each of their journeys started with a 30-minute call.


Who are these free Discovery Sessions for?

Who will I be speaking to in my Discovery Session?

What can I expect to get out of my Discovery Session?

Do I have to pay for my Discovery Session?

I am not a business owner yet, can I still book a Discovery Session?

Are the Discovery Sessions a video or phone call?