The Make It Happen Show

Sarah Liu — How diversity and inclusion can grow your business

Written by Ryan Terrey | January 28, 2021

This is the surprising key to innovation and growth

What happens when you have a group of like-minded people with similar backgrounds and experiences working in your business? You'll end up with all the same solutions to all your problems, and very little space for innovation.

However, take a closer look at the likes of Uber, Netflix and Airbnb, and you'l see that diversity was the crucial ingredient for disruption - in fact, none of their founders were originally from the industries they disrupted in the first place.

This is what our next guest on The Make It Happen Show, Sarah Liu, calls "The Outsider Advantage". When you have a diverse lineup of talent in your business, that diversity will flow into all the areas of your business, resulting in fresh and innovative ideas that you might have never thought of yourself.

Sarah is the Founder of The Dream Collective, a global leadership consultancy for diversity and inclusion. In this interview, she will open up your mind to the power of diversity, no matter where you are in your business journey. This is a must-listen episode, let's dive into it.